Privacy Policy

Geek Pictures Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") properly and  safely handles the personal information of customers by the law in "ReBORN"  provided by our company. When using our service, it is deemed that you have  agreed to this privacy policy. Furthermore, this privacy policy is based on  regulations that are founded on the laws of Japan.

1. Definition of Personal Information  

Personal information means information about an individual defined in  Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act, that is,  information about an individual who can be identified by his/her name, date  of birth, and other descriptions contained in the information (including  information that can easily be compared with other information and thereby  identified), or information that includes an individual identification code. 

2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations  

In our service, we comply with the relevant laws and regulations related to  personal information protection. 

3. Internal System  

Our company will establish a system to comply with personal information  protection by formulating internal rules and rules necessary for each  business, setting up organizations such as placing administrators for each  department, etc. 

4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information  

We use the personal information collected in our service for the following  purposes:

To answer the content of inquiries from customers
To ask for customers'  opinions on our services
To send prizes or gifts to customers
To provide  information on our products, gifts, and services to customers
To create statistical data on usage trends, etc. in our service
To introduce convenient  advertisements to customers

For other purposes, the use purpose is published  on our service and used with the consent of users.

5. Monitoring of Outsourced Parties  

In our service when using the personal information collected from  customers, we may outsource part of the work to third parties within the  scope of legitimate use. We will supervise these outsourcing parties and  manage personal information securely.

6. Restrictions on Provision by Third Parties  

In this service we will not provide personal information collected from  customers to third parties, except in the following cases:

When the user who is the subject of the information has given their consent. 
When disclosure is required by law, etc.
When it is necessary to protect a  person's life, body, or property, it is difficult to obtain their consent.
When it is  particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of  the healthy upbringing of children, it is difficult to obtain the consent of the  person concerned.
When it is necessary to cooperate with the affairs specified  by laws and regulations carried out by a national institution or local public entity  or a person entrusted with it, there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the  person concerned will obstruct the performance of such affairs.
When the data  is transformed into information that cannot identify an individual, the data is  analyzed, and statistics are performed to improve the service for users.

7. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information 

In this service, if a customer who is the person concerned requests disclosure,  correction, or deletion of their information, we will respond promptly based on  the prescribed procedures after confirming that the request is from the person  concerned. Information can be disclosed, corrected, or deleted through the  inquiry service within the service. 

8. Safety Management and Employee Supervision  

In this service, we will take appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or  damage of personal information collected from customers, and to secure the  safety of other personal information. Furthermore, when handling personal  information with employees, we will perform necessary and appropriate  supervision of employees so that the safety of personal information can be  secured. 

9. Continuous Improvement of Activities  

In this service, we will continuously improve the activities described in the items  1 to 9. Our company will not be responsible for any results or damages resulting  from the implementation of the measures in the preceding paragraph, or for  any responsibility other than compensation for damages, even if such results or  damages occur to the user or third parties.

10. Revision of Privacy Policy  

To provide better service, we will continuously review and improve the privacy  policy. The privacy policy may be revised without notice. If revised, we will notify  or publicly announce to our customers.