Terms of Use

Geek Pictures Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following terms of use for "ReBORN" provided by the Company. If you use this service, it will be considered that you have agreed to the contents of this agreement. Furthermore, this term of use is a set of rules based on the laws of Japan.

Article 1 - Definitions

In this agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings defined in subsequent provisions.

  1. "The Company" means Geek Pictures Inc. which provides this service.
  2. "This service" means "ReBORN" and its associated services provided by the Company.
  3. "User" means a customer who agrees to this agreement and uses the services provided by the Company.
  4. "This agreement" means the terms of use.
  5. "Account" means the total of various information that can identify the user (password, data, etc.).
  6. "Password" means a code composed of a combination of letters and numbers designated by the user and specified by the Company.
  7. "Use" means the state in which the user ID is given and the service can be used.
Article 2 - About the Terms and Services
  1. Upon our approval of a user's usage, an account to use our services will  be provided to the user. 
  2. If the user of the service is a minor or someone with limited capacity to  act, they must obtain prior consent from a legal representative such as a  parent or guardian before using the service. If minors consent to this  agreement, it will be considered as if they obtained consent from their  legal representative.
  3. Rules, guidelines, agreements, notifications, etc. that are separately  established for this service (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Terms")  form an integral part of this agreement, regardless of the method of their  issuance. If there is a discrepancy between the contents of the Individual  Terms and this agreement, the contents of the Individual Terms will take  precedence, but if otherwise specified in this agreement or the Individual  Terms, the user must comply with this. 
  4. Our company may inform the user about information regarding the  services including various terms and conditions through methods such as  our company's website and electronic mail, and the user is deemed to  have already agreed to this in advance. 
  5. Our company shall not be liable for any costs or damages incurred  directly or indirectly by the user regarding changes to the content of the  service. 
  6. Our company may change this agreement without prior notice. The  effectiveness of change will take effect when the latest version of this  agreement is posted on the service and made available for the user to  view. 
Article 3 - User Usage 

The service can be used by obtaining a User ID. By using the service, the user is  considered to have agreed to this agreement. The issued User ID cannot be  changed except in the case of a change application being accepted and  reissued by the company. 

The service will provide one ID per user each time the user starts using the  service. The user is generally limited to one ID per person, and possessing  multiple accounts is prohibited. The accounts may be deleted without prior  notice if multiple accounts are discovered. The rights and qualifications of the  user are exclusively for the registered user and cannot be shared with a third  party, transferred, sold, changed in name, or used as collateral in any way,  whether for compensation or not.

The company can stop or refuse the user's usage if the user falls under the  following reasons: 

  1. If the user has violated this agreement or others in the past. 
  2. If the content of usage is false. 
  3. If the user is associated with an anti-social force (such as a gang, gang member, associate gang member, or a corporation with ties to gangs, or  equivalent) or the company determines that the user is cooperating or  involved with an anti-social force through financing or other means.
  4. If the company determines that it is inappropriate for any other reason.
Article 4 - Personal Information 
  1. The personal information that the user has registered for use shall be subject  to the privacy policy of this service. The privacy policy of this service will be  displayed within the service.  
  2. Our company may record and store the access log, such as the IP address and usage date of the user when using this service. Our company may only  disclose the IP address and access log in the event of a request for disclosure  based on an investigation, trial, or other legal procedure, or if we receive an  introduction from a legal entity such as a bar association based on legitimate  reasons.
Article 5 - Responsibility of the User 
  1. The user shall use the service on their responsibility and agree to bear all  responsibility for all actions taken through the service (including, but not  limited to, violations of these terms and conditions) and their results and  damages. The company shall bear no responsibility for such damages.
  2. If the user causes damage to another person's reputation, infringes on their  privacy rights, reveals someone else's personal information without  permission, or otherwise infringes on another person's rights through the  use of the service, the user shall resolve the issue at their own cost and responsibility and shall take measures to avoid causing inconvenience or  damages to the company or any third parties.  
  3. The user shall prepare and carry out, at their own cost and responsibility, the  necessary communication equipment, software, telephone line contracts,  and internet service provider membership for using the service.  
  4. The user shall manage their account ID and password with responsibility. The  company shall bear no responsibility for any damages incurred because of the unauthorized use of the password by a third party. If unauthorized use  causes damage to the company or a third party, the user shall bear all  responsibility.  
  5. If the user discovers another user who has violated the terms and conditions,  they shall promptly report it to the company.  
  6. If the user finds that the information, they registered at the time of starting  the service needs to be corrected, they shall promptly correct the registered  information following the procedures specified by the company.
Article 6 - Limitations on Use of the Service 
  1. The Company may restrict the use of the service by the user without prior  notice if any of the following circumstances apply. The company may determine  the method and content of the restriction at its discretion. 

    (1) If the user's actions may conflict with or violate the terms of the agreement,  or if they have violated the agreement 

    (2) If the user's password is leaked and a third party illegally uses the service, or  if a third party illegally uses the company's other services, or if there is a  likelihood of such use 

    (3) If the company determines that the user's actions will cause interference to  its business including the service.
Article 7 - About Withdrawal and Deletion of User Registration for this Service 
  1. If a user desires to withdraw from this service, they may do so by following  the withdrawal process specified by the company and posted within the  service. There will be no fees associated with the withdrawal process. After  accepting the user's withdrawal request, the company will proceed with the  withdrawal procedures. 
  2. If a user violates the provisions of Article 1 and the company restricts the use  of this service, the company will notify the user to rectify and eliminate the  cause of the restriction within a reasonable period. If the user does not  rectify and eliminate the cause of the restriction within the specified period,  the company may cancel the user's registration and discontinue the use of  this service. 
  3. If the company determines that a user's actions are extremely malicious or  cause significant harm to the company after restricting the use of this service  due to a violation of Article 1, the company may cancel the user's  registration and discontinue the use of this service without prior notice,  regardless of the provisions in the previous paragraph. 
  4. The company shall not be liable for any consequences or damages arising  from the implementation of measures in paragraph 2, or any other  responsibility.
Article 8 - Disclaimer 

The company shall not provide any warranty to the user for the following items.  Furthermore, even if the following items occur, the company shall not have the  obligation to rectify them, and the company shall not have the obligation to  compensate for any damages caused by the occurrence of such items. 

  1. The normal operation of this service. 
  2. The absence of defects, bugs, or other problems in the software provided on  this service and all other data or information.  
  3. The timely and uninterrupted provision of this service and the user's always  being able to access the server when using this service.  
  4. The content and methods of this service are by the user's wishes and specific  objectives.  
  5. The information provided by this service is accurate and reliable.  
  6. The information sent and received by the user through this service is  correctly displayed on the screen, stored in the specified server, and reaches  the company or third parties including other users.  
  7. The security of this service (including the absence of any disruption to the  device and internet environment of the user using this service). 
Article 9 - Service Interruption and Termination 

If providing this service becomes difficult due to reasons specified in each item  below, the company may temporarily or permanently discontinue part or all of  the service at its discretion without prior notice to the user. 

(1) Natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc.),  force majeure (war, civil unrest, riots, etc.), and infrastructure accidents (fires,  power outages, etc.).  

(2) Regular or emergency maintenance related to the service system, etc.  (3) Based on instructions or orders from laws, administrative agencies, etc.  (4) Other reasons based on operation or technology. 

The company may discontinue part or all the service at any time without reason  at its discretion. In the event of discontinuation, notice will be given on the  company's service site at least 30 days before the scheduled date.

If the discontinuation of part or all the service is performed based on the  provisions of items 1 and 2, the company will not be responsible for any costs or  damages incurred by the user or third party.  

The company will not respond to any requests for the personal information of  the user or data disclosure at the time of temporary or permanent  discontinuation of the service based on items 1 and 2. 

Article 10 - Ownership of Rights 
  1. All rights, including information, programs, software, images, trademarks,  trade names, know-how, trade secrets (collectively referred to as  "Information, etc."), and accompanying rights (including but not limited to  intellectual property rights such as patent rights, utility model rights, design  rights, copyrights, etc.), as well as the right to use and administrative  authority related to such rights, belong to the company, its affiliated  companies, and third parties who have such rights (collectively referred to as  "Rights Holders, etc."). 
  2. Users are not allowed to modify, translate, copy, edit, reproduce, distribute,  sell, publicly transmit, or otherwise use or utilize Information, etc. included in  this service, unless they have obtained prior written permission from the  Rights Holders, etc., or such use or utilization is permitted by law. 
  3. With regards to proposals and other related matters regarding this service  that the user creates, publishes, or presents (collectively referred to as  "Inventions, etc.") during the use of this service, the company shall have the  right to use such proposals without obtaining the user's consent. 
Article 11 - Prohibition 

In addition to the prohibited actions specified separately in this agreement,  users shall not engage in the following actions while using the service:

  1. Acts that violate or may violate this agreement.
  2. Acts that cause or may cause harm to the company, right holders, other  users, or other third parties. 
  3. Acts that infringe or may infringe upon the intellectual property rights,  privacy rights, or other rights of the company, right holders, other users,  or other third parties. 
  4. Acts that discriminate against or defame others or damage others’  reputations or credit. 
  5. Acts that infringe upon the privacy of others’ communication.
  6. Acts that contravene or conflict with laws or public morals.
  7. Acts that promote or may promote criminal acts. 
  8. Acts of transferring, lending, or succeeding to data or information  obtained using the service, whether for compensation or not, to third  parties, excluding when it is recognized by this agreement. 
  9. Acts of publishing or redistributing the information or content posted on  the service or the works, without obtaining prior consent from the right  holders, etc., in any place including the user's website, and acts of  publishing or redistributing the contents or methods altered or edited. 
  10. Acts that obstruct the operation of the service, such as disrupting  network systems, other users’ access, or operation, or acts that may  obstruct the operation of the service, including the use or provision of  harmful programs such as computer viruses. 
  11. Acts of posting, disclosing, providing, sending, transmitting, etc. content  that makes others feel resentful or defamatory or may do so. 
  12. Acts of impersonating others. 
  13. Commercial activities, religious activities, political activities, and soliciting  or preparing for these activities within the service 
  14. Using the information (content) within this service for commercial purposes, or any other profit-oriented activities, without our written consent.
  15. Interfering with the exchange or sharing of information led by other  users or third parties  
  16. Asking for or disclosing someone else's account ID or password  (including the user's account ID and password). 
  17. Using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses, or  actions that may result in such use. 
  18. Developing, distributing, or using illegal tools, server emulators, client  pirated versions, or utilities with the purpose of illegal use (including actions that allow third parties or encourage third parties to do so), or  accessing this service illegally or allowing third parties to access it  illegally. 
  19. Involvement in the unauthorized purpose of bugs in programs or  software (including client software and server software) within this service, informing other users of such bugs and using them. 
  20. Modifying, analyzing, disclosing, correcting, rewriting, creating secondary  works, decompiling, reverse assembling, and reverse engineering  communication data, programs, etc. within this service. 
  21. In addition to the above, any actions that cause a disadvantage to the  company, users, or third parties. 
Article 12 - Regarding Paid Services
  1. The company may, at its discretion, impose separate restrictions on the  use of paid services by users. 
  2. In the event of a dispute over fees and other monetary obligations  between the user and the billing settlement company or settlement  agent used by the company for the paid service, it is agreed that the  dispute shall be resolved between the user and the relevant party, and  the company shall not be involved in any way and shall bear no  responsibility. 
  3. Information regarding credit cards and the expiration date of credit  cards, etc., will be passed on to the payment agent appointed by the  company, and will not be kept by the company.
Article 13 - Recovery Measures and Liability for Damages
  1. If the user engages in the prohibited actions described in the previous  article, the company may take all necessary and appropriate measures to  recover them and ensure proper and smooth use and provision of the  services and operations. 
  2. If the company or a third party incurs damages due to the user's violation  of this agreement, the user shall be liable to compensate for such damages at the request of the company or the third party based on the  claim. 
Article 14 - Disclaimer
  1. The company shall not be responsible for any problems, disputes, or  troubles (including those between users) that may arise about the  development, operation, and provision of the service. 
  2. Due to equipment malfunctions, trouble, power outages, abnormal  communication lines, or other force majeure (hereinafter referred to as  "force majeure"), the user's member information and other user-related  data may disappear. The company shall not be responsible for any loss  that may result from the disappearance or loss of user-related data due  to force majeure unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the  part of the company. 
  3. Regardless of the provisions of this Agreement, if the company's  exemption as provided for in this Agreement is not recognized by the  compulsory laws or the court's final judgment, the company shall be  responsible for compensating the user for direct damages suffered by  the user but shall not be responsible for compensating for the loss of  profits, consequential damages, or other indirect damages. The limit of  the amount of damage compensation that the company is responsible  for shall be equivalent to the number of service fees paid by the user. 
  4. The user shall take care to avoid excessive use of the service that would  disturb a healthy living environment, based on their judgment and  responsibility. The company shall not be responsible for any social,  mental, or physical damages that may result from the user's deviation  from appropriate use.
Article 15 - Concerning Governing Law and Dispute Resolution 

This agreement shall be governed by Japanese law. If any issue, dispute, or  problem arises between the user and the company about the service, the parties  shall attempt to resolve it in good faith through negotiations. If the parties are unable to resolve it through negotiations, the Tokyo District Court shall be the  exclusive jurisdiction for the first trial of the parties for resolution.